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.INFO Goes to the Dogs in Time for Take Your Dog to Work Day

While the rest of the global economy has been suffering, the pet industry is booming.  The American Pet Products Association (APPA) reports that overall spending in the pet industry grew by 5.4%, up from $43.2 billion in 2008 to $45.5 billion in 2009.  In total, the pet industry is now one of the fastest-growing industries with a projected 4.9% increase in spending to $47.74 billion in 2010.


This is perhaps because pet ownership is also at its highest level with 62 percent of the US population, or 71.4 million households, owning at least one pet. During the past decade the number of pet-owning households increased more than 12 percent and recently we are seeing this trend reflected in domain registration.


Since 2009, .INFO has seen a monthly increase in the number of domains registered containing the string ‘pet.’ January 2010 saw a 26.4% increase in monthly registration of pet-related domains verses the same month one year ago.  So far, in 2010, there have been over 5000 new domains created with the string ‘pet’ in their name. Interestingly, in April and May there was a significant upward trend in North America of new pet .INFO sites. We’d like to think that this is a preparation for June’s Take your Dog to Work Day.


First celebrated in 1999, Take Your Dog to Work Day was created to encourage adoption from humane societies, animal shelters and breed rescue clubs. On Friday June 25, 2010, businesses, animal shelters and pet-care professionals from around the world will open their doors to employees’ furry, four-legged friends in celebration of the great companions dogs make.


The universal appeal of pets in today's marketplace and booming economic industry make pets (and all their related furry terms) an excellent category for domain names and home to a number of great .INFO sites. We’ve select just a few for you to visit in time for Take your Dog to Work Day.


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