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Which the best.. yaris or corolla

Which is better, Corolla or Yaris? It is difficult to judge which car is better when comparing the two Yaris and Corolla cars the prices In terms of prices, the two cars are considered equal in their price category


Camry 2016 LE. USA 🇺🇸

Engine 2.4

Cylinder 4

Bag screen

Rear view Camra

Colour grey

Interior silver

AC Very well working

Rear view Camra

No Mehnical issues

Chasis gear Engine garenty

Ran and drive


050 6652604

Honda civic 2011model

USA specs

Fresh import from USA

Beautiful alloyrims

Cruise control

Power windows

Accident free car

New battery

Passing guarantee

Engine Gear chassis guarantee

Location sharjha industrial area2

Price 13500

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