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Al-Ahram Weekly, on newsstands every Thursday

Hamas-Cairo talks and complexities. Egypt at the Africa Union Summit. Giulio Regeni back in the spotlight. Nine presidential decrees at the National Youth Conference. Confusion and panic in MB circles since Trump's inauguration. A new chairman elected for the Dostour Party. The Renaissance Dam and Egypt. The significance of Egypt's $4 billion Eurobond. Calls to increase salaries in Egypt. A Russian constitution in Syria? Iraqi Sunnis in disarray. Trump's quarrel with Mexico. Arab officials on moving the US Embassy in Israel. Al-Ahram Weekly bids farewell to poet Sayed Hegab and writer Youssef Al-Sharouni. NGO and youth together to improve neighbourhoods. Egypt's National Football team: Talk of the tournament.

Writers of the week: Nader Noureddin, Arne Klau, Ramzi Baroud, James Zogby, Dan Glazebrook, Irfan Raja, Tewfick Aclimandos, Hani Al-Masri, Hany Ghoraba, Haro Karkour, Mahmoud Zidan, Abdel-Moneim Said, Hussein Haridy and Lubna Abdel-Aziz. Do not miss this week's copy, reserve it now ;)


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