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cars priced 2500 aedand more

Nissan Sunny price and locations

The price of the Nissan Sunny starts from 4000 only, and you can buy a Nissan car model 2008 or above from the first 4000 of the auctions or by entering the website arabcars1.com.. Follow more here

Toyota Hilux model 2014 priced at only 6000

A 2014 Toyota Hilux can be purchased for a price of 6,000, as the government auctions held in the country at the end of this month offer Toyota Hilux cars for a price of only 6,000. Follow more here.

Toyota Hilux cars from 2000 only

There are more than 5,020 cars that will be bid on at the beginning of next month. The General Authority for Government Auctions said that the price of Toyota Hilux cars will start from 2,000 only and the price will not exceed 7,000.. Follow more here.


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