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اخبار السياراتسلايدرعربي وعالمي

Hilux price 5000 aed only

More than 7000 Toyota hilux and double cabin cars for sale prices only 5000 aed in very big cars auction

You can buy more than 20 Toyota hilux or nissan pickups or Chevrolet or mitsubishi

Toyota hilux pickups for price 2000 aed only you can buy them now from big pickups auction.

Only pay 2000 aed or more to buy very good pickups like toyota hilux or tendra , isuzu , mitsubishi or nissan.

Cars auctions.


More than 9000 cars for free from the unneeded cars in big auction from country authority.

Some cars price 600 aed only

Many cars for price 5000 aed below and other cars from less than 1000 aed in a big auction for more than 8000 cars for urgent sale now .

As you can pay only 300 aed for 18 months to buy the car you choose from the auction.

The official auction will be held in the few coming days .. next

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