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سلايدرعربي وعالمي

70 thoousands cars prices 4000 aed

The official government auction authority is scheduled to announce the availability of more than 70,000 used cars for sale during the coming period

But did you know that the prices of used cars in auctions start from 1,000 and less than 1,000 and may reach 7,000 per car?
The most important models of used cars in auctions
Yaris, Corolla, Camry, and Honda cars of all kinds dominate the auctions, along with other cars such as Nissan, Kia, Chevrolet, MG Motors, and others.
Some cars, such as Camry, Yaris, Corolla, and Honda Accord, may cost up to 4,000 or 5,000.
Places to sell used cars
In the Emirates, the Emirates Auction Authority is the only reliable source for buying a used car in good condition within 5000

As for Qatar, we must wait for the government auctions that are announced successively

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